electronic textile camp will take place from September 15th to September 24th, 2023.
Before applying, learn about electronic textile camp and what to expect on our About page. You can also watch a recording of our Application Info Session.
Our application requires a Google login. If you do not have a Gmail account, please email info@electronictextile.camp for guidance.
Application due April, 1st, 2023 by 11:59 pm EDT.
Open call
Community, skill-sharing, exploration, collaboration, ETC.
Participants are both teachers and students at ETC. Demos and workshops are scheduled and spontaneous. We encourage you to propose a workshop in your application!
Who should apply? We welcome enthusiasts fascinated by the combination of technology and craft, whether it be material, cultural, technological, poetic, or aesthetic.
We have had engineers, artists, weavers, musicians, machine knitters, escape room designers, e-textile practitioners, and more.
ETC is hosted at Prairie Ronde in Vicksburg, Michigan, USA.
Praire Ronde offers various spaces scattered throughout the small town of Vicksburg. Within these spaces, ETC sets up shared work areas for sewing, soldering, weaving, and more. Participants lodge at local houses and convene at communal dinners and fire pits, and will have access to the historical Mill (pictured left).